Space Junque Goes To Indie Paranormal Book Reviews

Space Junque received a lovely review from Indie Paranormal Book Reviews. Michelle is a close and careful reader, and I was so pleased that she enjoyed the novella. From the review: Space Junque is action-packed from the beginning. There is always something going on...

Becoming an Indie Author by Zoe Winters

I bought Zoe Winters’s new guide to independent publishing because I buy all her books. I thought I’d pick up a few tips — after all, Zoe is among the most successful indies today. She must be doing something right! I was wrong. I picked up way more...

Ode to Iain Glen

Oh, my. Iain Glen – who I adored in Wives and Daughters and is wonderful in anything and everything — is going to be in Game of Thrones. Now, I will admit that I have never read the Martin opus. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to drool over the...

Winner of Space Junque

The Romance Reviews gave away a copy of Space Junque, and Dawn Judd won! Dawn happens to be an author too. Reining In is about a 5,000-year-old vampire torn between protecting herself or the human family she has come to love.