Spiderwork Goes to 100 Stars or Less

Here’s a wonderful review of Spiderwork at 100 Stars Or Less.

I’m so glad the ghosts are such a hit. I admit I’m partial to Alice myself!

Just a note: Erika notes Spiderwork’s original size of 35K +/- words. With the added scenes and chapters, it is now 40K +/- words.

Space Junque Goes to Reena’s Blog

I’ve got a guest post up at Reena’s Blog today. It’s a short piece on the two styles of editing I experienced with Space Junque and Spiderwork. With the post, Reena is giving away a copy of Spiderwork.

Reena also has reviewed Space Junque. It’s a great piece — and fun to read even if you haven’t read the book. I like her list of favorite quotes.

Two Point Oh

What a world, what a world.

I’ve finished adding scenes to Spiderwork inspired by Tracey of Goodreads and BTackitt of Kindleboards.

Isn’t the internet grand?

Spiderwork at Goodreads with Stacey

With Spiderwork out for a little over a week now, the first couple of reviews are in, and they are … good … but —

But! Two reviews from two careful and thoughtful readers both had the same reactions to Spiderwork.

Stacey’s review at Goodreads is a great read on its own merits. She’s got a great analytical mind and a clear writing style. Here is an excerpt from Stacey’s review:

What happened to Sky and Tesla? Were they ever found, was the technology recovered? How did Alice and the bees survive Samael’s cleansing fire? Samael’s worshipers are only referenced, but clearly important, so in what way is this rival faith developing, and if it’s not, why not? How is Garrick’s industrial and oil-dependent city surviving in a world that has regressed to mostly pre- and early- industrial conditions? And we still know next to nothing about the Empani – who appear to be an empath/morph race or hybrid. How did they come about, and what are their motivations?

These are great questions, mirrored to an extent by BTackitt in her review at Amazon. So great, that I decided to answer most of them. I’ve added some more scenes to Spiderwork, so much that the story has expanded another 4K words. If you’ve already picked up the first version and would like a copy of the revised version, please give me your email address in the comments or through the contact form above.

Also, as a side note:  Alice, who has a featured role in Spiderwork, is the Alice of Alice Ghosting, the flash fiction I wrote for Amanda Hocking’s Zombiepalooza last Halloween. You can download it free from Smashwords or just read it here on the site.

I didn’t answer every one of these questions fully, but we do see what happened to Sky and there is more about the Empani and the consequences, or not, of Durga’s decision.

There will be a LOT of Empani action in Bleeder. Stay tuned!

Pete Postlethwaite, 1946-2011

He was always one of those actors you know but you don’t know their name. But when I saw  Pete Postlethwaite in Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliet, I looked him up.

Oh, that guy! The father in The Name of the Father. That guy in the Sharpe’s series. When I saw Brassed Off, I knew his name.

It wasn’t his greatest role, but his Father Laurence left a big impression on me. There were a lot of supposedly hot actors in that movie, but no one exuded as much raw, powerful sex appeal as Pete Postlethwaite’s friar.

Wonderful, wonderful actor. And taken much too soon. Rest in peace.

All Systems Go

Gitcher fresh hot Spiderwork!

It’s up everywhere now: Kindle, Nook, Smashwords.

Thanks so much to the people who’ve already purchased Spiderwork. I’ll be sending out a copy to the Sneak Peak winner as soon as I know who it is!

Edit: And the winner is Jennifer. Congratulations!

It’s Spiderwork

Spiderwork is in the Smashwords meatgrinder and the Amazon whateveritis and the Nook whateveritis.

I’ll post links as soon as I have them.

It always takes me longer than I think it will!

Right now…I’m tired.

UPDATE: There is a live link at Amazon but no book yet…it’s a book!

UPDATE: Nook beat Kindle.

Spiderwork Update

A few days now…

It always takes longer than I think.

“It’s hard, and we’re all learning,” as Durga tells one of the chalices faced with a particularly horrible dilemma — though this is not horrible for me, nor is there any dilemma.

There are just so many details in getting it ready. I so much wanted to have Spiderwork up by Christmas. I do hope you will find it was worth the wait!

And poor Bleeder! It was written over a year ago and still doesn’t have a good cover. It will be fun to bring Bleeder out on the heels of Spiderwork.

Speaking of which … back to work!