Space Junque Goes To 25-Hour Books

Tara at 25-Hour Books has given Space Junque a thoughtful and thorough review.

I certainly enjoyed reading it! Don’t you love the tag line of the site?

We could all use an extra hour for reading!

She, like many, is intrigued by the ghosts. At first, they were almost throwaway characters, incidental artifacts of this world, but they definitely demand more page time. Don’t worry! At least one ghost we’ve met by name appears in Spiderwork.

Zombiepalooza Winners!


And Amanda Hocking’s Zombiepalooza comes to an end. What a marathon month of zombieosity, sheesh! The winners of Space Junque are:

bluefrog62, Alice, and Laura

Congratulations — I’ve sent you all emails. Happy reading!!

Zombiepalooza Winners

Zombiepalooza is coming to an end, and Amanda has let me know who won copies of Space Junque!

She’ll make the announcement on her blog Halloween, and I’ll be sending the copies right after. Congratulations! (I know who you are…)

Space Junque at The Romance Reviews

I just read a review of Space Junque over at The Romance Reviews that put a smile on my face.

The one issue the reviewer has is that he feels Space Junque is too short — though he notes this is a feature of novellas, ha! Now that I have some distance from the book, I wonder if I should have “made it longer.”

Space Junque serves the purpose I had in mind when I wrote it, to introduce the world of the series. It never occurred to me that the characters in the novella would take on their own lives and demand a more complete telling — what arrogance on my part!

I promise that we’ll learn much more about Char and Jake and Durga — and even Rani! — in Spiderwork.

Lynda Hilburn Wants To Give You A Kindle!

Thus begins a post at Paranormalcy:

Halloween/Samhain is my favorite holiday, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have some fun with it. How better to celebrate this spooky time of year than by giving away another of my favorite things: a Kindle!

What a fun contest she’s come up with! You get to click around to the websites of a bunch of paranormal romance writers, ferret out information in your own sleuthing adventure, and send your answers in to Lynda.

And you could win a Kindle!

To help you out, the questions for this site are:

Question #1) What is Char afraid she’ll run into on Baseline Road?
Question #2) What color is Char’s card?

The answers are in the first chapter of Space Junque, conveniently located at the end of the Space Junque page.

Collect the answers and click over to Paranormalcy to continue in the rest of the contest.

UPDATE 11-1-10:  Lynda has posted the Kindle winner at her blog:

Happy Halloween, everyone! I was blown away by the number of participants in the Halloween Kindle Giveaway. I hope everyone enjoyed meeting all the authors who helped with the contest. I wrote everyone’s name on a little slip of paper, put them all in my mini-coffin, and chose a winner. The winner is: Tara Woods from Alabama. I have sent an email to Tara. Once again, I sincerely appreciate the amazing support and enthusiasm. Thanks so much to you all!

The Romance Reviews Launch

I am delighted to be part of the launch of The Romance Reviews new site and new look. Be warned: A romance junkie can fall into that place and never come out again!

Comment on your favorite books, post on authors’ walls, and read reviews and leave your own reviews.

Plus there will be contests and giveaways galore — what’s not to love?

Visit Space Junque’s page and leave a comment!