I Suck At Doing Fundraisers!

I like to put in a “no purchase necessary” entry in my giveaways so everybody can play – but maybe I shouldn’t have done so with the LC Evans fundraiser. If I don’t get at least 10 verifiable entries for the second question in the...

FacebookThread Preservation 1A

Forgive the redundancy if you were just following this convo on fb, but I didn’t want to lose Misty’s final observation to the ether – so I preserve it here. KindleObsessed shared a link. Spreading The British Love… www.kindleobsessed.com I was...

Zapstone’s LC Evans Fundraiser & Giveaway

You know the drill – give the secret word in the comments to win a copy of Discovery: A Far Out Romance. Please name the format you’d like. The usual profit from the book will be donated to the Zapstone LC Evans fundraiser.       Second...

Zapstone Makes February LC Evans Month

In January, LC Evans lost her battle with cancer. I didn’t know Linda that well. We’d “met” at Kindleboards over a year ago. I remember her fun covers and mulling over the title for The Witness Wore Blood Bay. I remember that she was always...

A Story About Charlotte Sometimes

I’ve copied in their entirety two posts from 2007 by Penelope Farmer simply because they are wonderful and I don’t want to lose them in some future internet wipe. (Thanks to Mark Coker via Theresa Weir for finding this.) This is a story about how we often...